These Spinners are designed for catching nearly all species of the Salmonidae in fresh and salt waters, especially Brown trout, Rainbow and other members of the trout and char family. Not only they have a high attraction but these spinners make vibration and noise while moving in the water. Their heavy and aerodynamic shaped body and well rotating French blades are chosen to work deeper in the water.
We have 4 different blade platings as Nickel, Polished Brass, Copper, and Black Nickel and 2 different body finishing as polished Brass and Nickel and also 5 different colors of holographic fish scale stickers, we make them in 3 different sizes as 3 and 3.5 and 4 which weight 8 and 12 and 19 grams accordingly, therefore we have around 120 options for fishermen's choices.
Good shape and rather heavy weight of these spinners enhances longer casts which increases the chance of catching fish.
These spinners are also good to be used in the salt water.
Generally we supply our lures with a single hook from VMC France, but can supply them with treble hooks if requested by our customers.